With the professional and personal growth of employees in your hands, you have a lot of responsibility – not just to your company but to the people within it. Of course the development of your employees is important, particularly with the influx of millennials into the workplace.
In fact, one source states that 35% of millennials feel that quality employee training and development programs are one of the most desirable qualities in the workplace. Having a high-quality training program is a desirable thing; however, the lack of such a program can cause trouble. According to go2HR, 40% of workers leave their positions in the first year due to poor workplace training. The need for high-quality management training systems can’t be overstated. So, what should you do?
So Many Choices in Management Training Systems
Professional growth within a company can move in many directions depending upon the needs of your company and its employees. As the one in charge of training, you will need to decide the content to deliver in your management training systems. You must also decide which format is best: on- or offline, face-to-face/facilitator-led, or a hybrid program. Training programs abound, yet high-quality, effective programs aren’t as abundant. You will have to identify which training programs are of high-quality and which aren’t. Here’s some help:
Word of Mouth and Reputation Matter When Looking at Management Training Systems
Each industry or sector has training systems that are beneficial to it. To find the best management training system, it’s important to ask around within your industry or sector. These simple questions can be asked of another HR professional, “What management training systems do you suggest? What does your company use?” You can follow up with, “Would you use it again? Is it effective?”
Look for Variety in Your Management Training Systems
After you’ve narrowed down the number of management training systems you’re considering, you should compare the variety of their offerings. Variety, in this sense, should be offered in two ways: content and delivery.
Content is Necessary in Quality Management Training Systems
Be wary of a program that offers a limited range of content. You want to look at companies that specialize in most, if not all, of the aspects of employee growth and talent development. Here are some content categories that any strong management training system should have:
- Leadership Development
- Coaching, Mentoring and Counseling
- Ethics and Professional Conduct
- Delivering Quality Customer Service
- Diversity and Equity in the Workplace
Consider leadership development. First, you will need to find out if leadership development content is available. If it is, you have to investigate: Does the training company offer a range of products geared specifically toward growing your employees in leadership skills? Can the selection of products be chosen according to varying costs as well as other variables? Does the leadership program offer tiered training opportunities in case you’d like to take your employees deeper into the training? You can’t neglect these important questions.
A Variety of Delivery Options is Critical to Effective Management Training Systems
Does the training program offer online, hybrid and face-to-face, facilitator-led sessions? You should be able to choose whether your employees can participate in an online course or have a trained facilitator come from the company to conduct the workshop. Any quality training company will offer a variety of delivery options, such as online with eLearning, hybrid and face-to-face training sessions. You should be able to design a customized program that best suits your organization.
High-Quality Management Training Systems are Data-Driven and Research-Based
No one can dispute the numbers: A training system must be well-supported by statistics that substantiate the claims being made. Further, the methods espoused in the training system must be based on sound research.
Assessments Must be a Component of a Strong Management Training System
How are you deciding what your company needs for training? Are you looking around your workplace and observing what needs to be done? It’s often a gut feeling or a realization that stems from conversations on the floor. Granted, anecdotal evidence is a good place to start, but you will need something more compelling and substantive.
This is where it’s necessary to have quality assessments so that you know the needs of the company and your employees.
Assessments are also helpful because what we perceive to be important may not actually be the real issue at hand. A quality assessment will expose these things and put your organization on the road to having a management training system that is truly effective.
Get A Detailed Picture Of Employee Strengths & Needs: Skills & Assessment Tests (Free Preview)
Identify and Choose A High-Quality Management Training System for Your Company
You understand the need for instituting a high-quality management training system; however, the next step can be a little daunting. The points outlined above should assist you in choosing a training system that suits your company. Keep your end goals in mind and ask tough questions of the program. With some time invested in researching companies that offer management training systems and their results, you can choose a powerful program that will move your employees forward.
To learn more about the benefits of customized leader and employee development programs, contact Edge Training at 800-305-2025.