Are you looking to develop your sales team and need a place to start?

The Sales Professional Conversation Starter will provide your team the necessary tools to begin developmental conversations. Utilizing both a knowledge-based component and a perception-based component, your sales team will have the building blocks to see where they need to develop their knowledge of a particular skill and where they need to put the knowledge they already have into practice.

The Sales Professional Conversation Starter includes

  • Knowledge for Sales
  • GAP Analysis for Sales
  • One-hour telephonic results interpretation call
Knowledge for Sales

The Knowledge for Sales assessment utilizes a multiple-choice format to measure the participant’s knowledge for the key behaviors anchoring the competencies being assessed. Each question has a preferred answer and three “incorrect” answers. The results of this assessment is incredibly reliable and can be trusted when considering development and goal setting.

GAP Analysis for Sales

The GAP Analysis for Sales provides a targeted report on perception of performance between the participant and their supervisor.

Results Interpretation

Used together, these assessments are the building blocks for a targeted discussion on strengths and opportunities for development. We realize that sometimes these conversations can be challenging, so we have also included a one-hour telephonic results interpretation. An Edge Training Coach will conduct an interpretation session with the participant and their supervisor to go over the results and discuss some of the next steps to development. This results interpretation session will open the dialogue between the participant and their supervisor.

Competencies Assessed

The Knowledge for Sales and GAP Analysis for Sales covers the following competencies:

  • Closing
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Customer Service
  • Ethics
  • Handling Objections
  • Identifying Needs
  • Planning
  • Prospecting
  • Sales Presentations
Sample Reports

The Sales Professional Conversation Starter is sure to provide a comprehensive starting point for your sales team. To view a sample report of each of the components please utilize the links below.

Knowledge for Sales Sample Report

GAP Analysis Sample Report

Sample Results Interpretation Summary

The Sales Professional Conversation Starter – the first step to developmental discussions.

Please complete the below or call (800) 305-2025 for more information.








